The following Dodgers have been smited by the JDK for their crimes against Jam:
All the girls! for picking on the JDK and damaging his already delicate self esteem!
The Basserd Who Nicked Copper's Stuff For the offense of nicking Copper's stuff. You are a tw*t, whoever you are and we all hope you get run over by a tram in Nottingham. Or Liverpool. Or whereever else they have trams!
Copper For the crime of playing with her Wii instead of her Jammie pals!
Im have a day kind of like that, except Ive done absolutely nothing and got absolutely nothing done, cos my boss is on paternity. Apart from that, Im the only 1 in the dept who does any kind of windows programming, so all requests = 20 days, usually equating to 15 f***ying about on sites like this :) and 5 days doing work!
Add a field to your form sir? yes, that'll be 20 please.
I'm having a day like Damo... once I got to work (erm.. very very late... don't tell on me!) I shuffled some papers around.. checked all the messages on here and source of title... spilled iced green tea on myself.. stared at the wall for an hour...
I'm even more productive now than my first week of work where I didn't even have a computer... Spent all day just staring at the wall, doodling and making a grocery list.
Got to work - my boss took some work off me saying that I needed to concentrate on some other work, so while he got on and did the work that he'd taken off me in order for me to concenrate on some mother work, I posted on the Jammie Dodger Bored Board.
Then I got the drinks in.
Then I looked at my boss doing the stuff that he'd taken off me so that I could concentrate on some other stuff and then I posted on the Jammie Doder Bored Board.
Then my boss came over and told me how difficult the stuff he'd taken off me so that I could concentrate on other stuff was (did that make sense?). I agreed with him and he wnet off and carried on with the stuff he'd taken of me so that I could concentrate on the other stuff and I posted on the Jammie Dodger Bored Board.
Then I posted some more.
Then I went to the loo.
Then I posted and asked Sooty to phone one of my workmates to get her to get the drinks in.
Actually, I reall did tons of stuff - I drew a system map on some inadequate flowcharting software and got some spreadsheets together and some other stuff...
Private Sub Workbook_Open() Dim myQry As QueryTable For Each myQry In Sheets("CMS Query").QueryTables myQry.Connection = _ "ODBC;DSN=SQLSERVER;Description= SQLSERVER;UID=myself;PWD=myself;APP=Microsoft® Query;WSID=Revenue Template: " & GrabUser & ";Network=DBMSSOCN;,1433" Next End Sub
Private Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" _ Alias "FindWindowA" ( _ ByVal lpClassName As String, _ ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long
Sub Refresh_Data() Dim qryTable As QueryTable For Each qryTable In Worksheets("Yadda").QueryTables qryTable.Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False Next End Sub
Public Function GrabUser() As String Dim User As String h = FindWindow("Notes", vbNullString) If CBool(h) Then On Error GoTo 1 GrabUser = NotesID Else: GrabUser = Application.UserName End If Exit Function 1: GrabUser = Application.UserName End Function
Private Function NotesID() As String Dim Session As Object, MailDB As Object Dim UserName As String, MailDBName As String Set Session = CreateObject("Notes.NotesSession") UserName = Session.UserName MailDBName = Left$(UserName, 1) & Right$(UserName, _ (Len(UserName) - InStr(1, UserName, " "))) & ".nsf" Set MailDB = Session.GetDataBase(vbNullString, MailDBName) If Not MailDB.IsOpen Then MailDB.OpenMail NotesID = Mid$(UserName, 4, InStr(1, UserName, "/") - 4) Set Session = Nothing: Set MailDB = Nothing End Function Next, sub queries...
>From w_asset_dm a, w_asset_fact b, w_contact_dm c, w_geo_dm d, w_fund_dm_x@crmscore_prod e, w_fund_fact_x@crmscore_prod f
where a.row_id = b.asset_wid and b.contact_geo_wid = d.row_id and b.contact_wid = c.row_id and a.row_id = f.contrib_wid and f.fund_wid = e.row_id and upper (status_cd) = 'LIVE' and (trim(salechnl_omega) = 'IFA' or trim(salechnl_omega) = 'SLBS')
%put &sqlxmsg;
disconnect from craig; quit;
data policy1 (index = (curr_agnt)); set policy (where = (inv_status = 'Live'));
if ((curr_agnt = 'Unspecified') or (curr_agnt = '')) then curr_agnt = orig_agnt;
data barclays; set prod.w_crm_agency_dm_x (keep = agent_num ext_last_name1 ext_last_name2 ext_last_name3 ext_last_name4 ext_zipcode1 x_sib_num);
where ((upcase (ext_last_name1) contains 'BARCLAYS') or (upcase (ext_last_name1) contains 'WOOLWICH') or (upcase (ext_last_name1) contains 'SEDGWICKS') or (upcase (ext_last_name2) contains 'BARCLAYS') or (upcase (ext_last_name2) contains 'WOOLWICH') or (upcase (ext_last_name2) contains 'SEDGWICKS') or (upcase (ext_last_name3) contains 'BARCLAYS') or (upcase (ext_last_name3) contains 'WOOLWICH') or (upcase (ext_last_name3) contains 'SEDGWICKS') or (upcase (ext_last_name4) contains 'BARCLAYS') or (upcase (ext_last_name4) contains 'WOOLWICH') or (upcase (ext_last_name4) contains 'SEDGWICKS'));
data barclays1 (index = (curr_agnt)); set barclays (rename = (agent_num = curr_agnt));
where x_sib_num ^in ('209569' '121864');
data barclayspols notbarclays nopols; merge policy1 (in = a) barclays1 (in = b);
by curr_agnt;
if a and b then output barclayspols; if a and not b then output notbarclays; if b and not a then output nopols;
proc sort data = barclayspols force; by vclass policy_no fund_name eff_dt birth_dt last_name fst_name zip_post_code;
proc summary data = barclayspols; by vclass policy_no fund_name eff_dt birth_dt last_name fst_name zip_post_code; var bvu; output out = sumbarclayspols sum=; run;
data barclayspolicies; set sumbarclayspols;
bid_val = bvu/100;
data policynolist; set barclayspolicies (keep = policy_no);
proc sort data = policynolist force nodupkey; by policy_no;
%macro m ; filename thefiles ('J:Knowledge-MgtInsight TeamVickyDD Mailing*.csv') ; data temp ; length filename filenam lfilename $200 ; infile thefiles filename=filenam missover pad end=eof ; retain filecount 0 ; input x $3200. ; filename = filenam ; lfilename = lag(filename) ; if filename ne lfilename then do ; filecount+1 ; call symput("file"!!left(put(filecount,best.)),filename) ; output ; end ; if eof then call symput("filecount",put(filecount,best.)) ; run ; %put &filecount &file1 ; %*do i = 1 %to %filecount ; %do i = 1 %to 85 ; proc import datafile = "&&file&i " out = l_vicky.drawdown&i replace; datarow = 2; getnames = yes; delimiter = ','; run; %end ; %mend m ; %m ;
Data agentlist; set prod.w_crm_agency_dm_x (where = (ext_x_int_sales_channel1 = 'IFA') keep = x_sib_num ext_last_name1 ext_last_name2 ext_last_name3 ext_last_name4 ext_zipcode1 ext_x_int_sales_channel1 ext_job_title1);
proc sort data = agentlist noduprec; by x_sib_num ext_last_name4;
data agentlist1 notifa (drop = ext_job_title1); set agentlist;
if ext_job_title1 in ('AR - Principal' 'CR - AR' 'CR - AR Principal' 'CR - AR Principal/Guarantor' 'CR - FC' 'IR/Principal/Guarantor' 'Introducer (FC)' 'AXA Company' 'AXA IFA Consultant - F2F'
'AXA IFA Consultant - Telesales' 'IAR - Introducer/Sole Trader' 'IFA RI' 'IFA RI - A' 'IFA RI - O' 'IFA RI - OA' 'Location - IFA' 'Sales Office - IFA' 'Senior Manager') then output notifa;
else output agentlist1;
proc sort data = agentlist1 force; by x_sib_num ext_last_name4 ext_last_name1; run;
proc summary data = agentlist1; by x_sib_num ext_last_name4 ext_last_name1; output out = sumagentlist; run;
quote: Originally posted by: NateO "Smokin' Vic (the work)! I see a little sequential access in there, I think... What language is that, if you don't mind my asking? "
SAS mixed with a little SQL. I can never make my mind up which to use so I mix them - much to my boss' confusion!!
that code on the other hand.. you guys are way too smart for me.. i did manage a javascript online quote calculator for a website i'm building.. but i mostly stole the code
I don't know how to make a Java calculator KT - you're WAY cleverer than me!!!
Today I looked at some code, got the teas in 3 times, ate a cookie, joined the pants exchage and went home at lunchtime to practise for tomorrow's concert Argh!!
You know those pyramid things where everyone sends someone £300?
It's the same but with pants & only 2 names. I have a letter with 2 names & addresses on it 1 is Emily 2 is Leah. I send Emily a pair of pants (she has put her size) with the tag on. I then give the letter to 6 people putting Leah's name as 1 and myself as 2. Those 6 people all have to buy Leah pants and pass the letter on to six people each with me as 1 and themselves as 2. Potentially you could get 36 pairs of pants for the price of 1!!
It's just a bit of fun - will be funny to see what sort of pants come through the post!!