The following Dodgers have been smited by the JDK for their crimes against Jam:
All the girls! for picking on the JDK and damaging his already delicate self esteem!
The Basserd Who Nicked Copper's Stuff For the offense of nicking Copper's stuff. You are a tw*t, whoever you are and we all hope you get run over by a tram in Nottingham. Or Liverpool. Or whereever else they have trams!
Copper For the crime of playing with her Wii instead of her Jammie pals!
We were talking about showers yesterday at my work... No one has ever said anything to me about me smelling but once my workmates found out i only shower two every days-ish i was branded dirty and smelly
Am I the only one who thinks showering every day is a waste of water
I guess it depends on your general smelliness. Some people need to shower more often than others. I usually shower every morning.
Woerking in the relatively close confines of the office, it becaomes obvious pretty quickly when someone who needs to shower two times a day hasn't. There's nothing worse than trying to worth through the stench of BO.
In one office I worked in there used to be a guy who never seemed to shower. When he came into the office the... er aroma was overpowering. Hi's smell filled the entire floor - and it wasn't a small office. He would try and mask it by applying tons of deoderant, but all that did was mingle with the BO to make an even worse smell. We lived in the constant fear that one day we might have to share a lift with him.
It can be a really sensitive issue, though. And some people can shower 10 times a day and still have a BO problem.
We had a visiting professor recently who had managed to cultivate an unbearable stench...I forgot to warn a colleague about it, and she innocently accepted a lift on a 3 hr journey. In June.
As the King said, some people REALLY need to shower every day. I think this woman needed a permanent 'Karate Kid' style shower attached to her head.
Nice. So what's the best way to handle a stinker? Do you just tell 'em outright? Leave 'em an annonymous not? Leave a can of deoderant on their desk or in their locker? Tease them nastily?
We had an English teacher at my grammar school who STANK. Even in the depths of Winter we'd open the windows before her lesson just so we could breathe! Trouble was she'd lean over your desk to close the windows and POW! the full force of the stench would hit you.
When I was 13 I encouraged the girls to club together (not many of us earnt much then) and bought Miss Alper some deodorant for Christmas. I wrapped it up with paper and a blank gift tag and left it in her pigoen hole at breaktime.
She walked into our class after break, her eyes all red & puffy and still snivelling slightly.
You know what the worst thing was? She still STANK! Do I feel guilty? Nope! I'd approach it differently now, but I'd still take action.
There was an article in the Metro (a quality free commuter newspaper available in london Bristol and one or two other cities) this morning that seems to back up Lite's opinion on showering. Now I don't want to be in any way sensationalist or scaremongering but:
A quick Google turned up this article on the inter-web:
Is Your Shower Making You Sick? A new analysis based on animal studies suggests that showering in manganese-contaminated water for a decade or more could have permanent effects on the nervous system. Winston-Salem, NC -- The damage may occur even at levels of manganese considered safe by the Environmental Protection Agency, according to researchers from Wake Forest University School of Medicine.
"If our results are confirmed, they could have profound implications for the nation and the world," said John Spangler, MD, an associate professor of family medicine. "Nearly 9 million people in the United States are exposed to manganese levels that our study shows may cause toxic effects."
The study is the first to show the potential for permanent brain damage from breathing vaporized manganese during a shower. It was conducted by reviewing the medical literature and calculating, based on animal studies, the amount of manganese people would absorb by showering 10 minutes a day. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has set 0.5 milligrams/liter as the upper limit of manganese advisable in water supplies. The limit, however, is based on odor and taste of the water.
The potential risk of manganese accumulating in the brain through showering has not been considered by the EPA in setting this limit.
In their analysis, Spangler and Elsner found that concentrations well below 0.5 milligrams might lead to brain injury.
"Inhaling manganese, rather than eating or drinking it, is far more efficient at delivering manganese to the brain," said Spangler. "The nerve cells involved in smell are a direct pathway for toxins to enter the brain. Once inside these small nerves, manganese can travel throughout the brain."
So there you go. You have just 3 ways to save your life: 1. Stop showering and stink instead. 2. Hold your breath whilst showering. 3. Limit yourself to 3 minutes showers. Er... does anyone here take ten minutes in the shower, anyway? I've never timed it, but I'd guess I'm only in there for two or three minutes. Apart from anything else, any damage that was gonne be done to my brain clearly happened a long time ago!
To be fair, I was only using a term that Stead had used to refer to himself in a previous post (I omitted the geeky/gimpy bit). I have no idea if he is gorgeous, and/or twiggy.