The following Dodgers have been smited by the JDK for their crimes against Jam:
All the girls! for picking on the JDK and damaging his already delicate self esteem!
The Basserd Who Nicked Copper's Stuff For the offense of nicking Copper's stuff. You are a tw*t, whoever you are and we all hope you get run over by a tram in Nottingham. Or Liverpool. Or whereever else they have trams!
Copper For the crime of playing with her Wii instead of her Jammie pals!
Right. We need to clear up a small issue that has caused a brief bit of sicussion in the office.
High heels. Why do girls wear them?
I have a theory (which is downright sexist and deliberately inflammatory): Girls know that they are inferior to men. They have no chance of being as good as men, so they take every opportunity to be a bit more like them. Like increasing their height and wearing trousers and stuff like that.
This also led onto a secondary sub-topic which was this: How many of the girls on the Bored Board routinely wear high heels. I suspect relatively few as you lot are pretty bright and well adjusted and I don't think you have much to compensate for! Well done. :thumbs up:
A one legged chicken has a better chance of being caught in heels than I do.
Gimme my steel-tips, flip-flops, or if I'm going somewhere nice. my Mary Janes
I do know a lot of women that wear them regularly - and on the streets of Manhattan they're almost a staple - but I have yet to figure out how people are comfortable walking around like Barbie all day long.
Dont wear heels, dont wear skirts, rarely wear make-up. :)
I wear trainers because they are comufy.. good for running in and look snazy! I'd like to see someone in high heels running around a park being silly or what ever I feel like doing.
Girls are far from inferior! I'd pritty much consider them equal really.. though girls are obusly cuter ;) I dont want to be anything like a man thank you very much, just dont want to have to worry about people trying to look up my skirt or the wind blowing it.. etc etc. Life is easyer wearing jeans and i like the simple life. Tum Tum the outside life for me (when i'm not addicted to stupid on-line games).
I think heels make ladies arses more pert. I think that is why they wear them and why boys like them. Have a look around and you will see what I mean (but don't get caught...).
And I don't begrudge other females wearing them if they want to.
I most certainly don't wear high heels because I feel inferior, but sometimes it's just nice to underline one's superiority! Oh, and trust me, you'd be amazed to see me sprint for the train in them (even over cobbles, in stilettos). One last thing, any girl who looks more like a man when she's wearing heels is doing something very wrong.
Right need to change from my heels to my walking boots, please excuse me whilst I go & swap stereotypes!
actually, i do wear high heels (very high heels) constantly. i'm only 5ft tall. i don't feel inferior to men though. i just like to be a little bit taller. (and they are weapons, whenever necessary.)
oh yeah, and i look fabulous in them.
i love deadlines: especially the whooshing noise they make as they go by.