The following Dodgers have been smited by the JDK for their crimes against Jam:
All the girls! for picking on the JDK and damaging his already delicate self esteem!
The Basserd Who Nicked Copper's Stuff For the offense of nicking Copper's stuff. You are a tw*t, whoever you are and we all hope you get run over by a tram in Nottingham. Or Liverpool. Or whereever else they have trams!
Copper For the crime of playing with her Wii instead of her Jammie pals!
You don't want one, Ben. It's Haloburn that wants one!
Halo... The wii is cool, but it depends what you want out of a games console. If you want pretty graphics, then it's not for you as it's got nowhere near the power of the PS3 or the Xbox 360. Think of it as an upgraded gamecube. The graphics are similar to that.
What it does have is the very cool wavy controllers which work an absolute treat with stuff like the bowling game and the tennis and stuff like that. And it's got the usual selection of nintend games - a few racers - you hold the controller like a steering whell - works pretty well. A couple of shooters which kinda work well with the pointy controller, but I think they've yet to perfect that. Mostly though it's the nintendo games that it's awesome with - Zelda is very cool. Mario galaxy is due out in time for Christmas and Metroid Prime 3 is due out any time now and they've all had really good scors from the reviewers.
You can surf the net on it and you can download old snes and n64 games for it.
I have one and it's very cool. But it doesn't play dvds and it'll never play blu-ray or HD DVD. For that you'll need one of the others. Stead has a PS3 and bit's very pretty. the blu ray version of 300 that he got with it looks very pretty!
True the PS3 is pretty - prettier than the 360 (which I just dumped) and the blu-ray is nice particularly as Amazon lets you rent blu-ray disks under the same terms as their normal DVD rental plan!
The PS3 suffers from a lack of good titles though and whilst the visual representation of the internet is superior to the wii, the browser software is currently lagging behind a little.
For me, because I'm superficial, I would recommend saving extra pennies and getting the budget PS3 coming out soon over the wii - only because I found the wavy controllers to on the wii to be a bit prototypey - having said that the JDK says he's got no problem with them!
To be fair to nintendo, what they lack in power they certainly make up for in novelty value of games!
I'll take arrogance and the inevitable hubris over self-doubt and lack of confidence.
"Everyone has a plan, until they get punched in the face" - Mike Tyson
Oh, I get it...Games...I must be lucky because Microsoft furnished a Solitaire game when I bought my computer so I don't have to spend the extra money...I must be living right......Ben
"It must be mounted on a tripod!...It must be mounted on a tripod!" - Cmdr. Frederick Mohr
You try keeping that barrel hoop upright and rolling over all kinds of terrain while dodging dogs, other kids and passing cars, then get back to me......Ben
"It must be mounted on a tripod!...It must be mounted on a tripod!" - Cmdr. Frederick Mohr
Sorry mate by the time it was my turn we'd worked out how to put spokes in them and attach them to frames - next thing we knew we were riding the wheels - much easier than running alongside them -
But tell me, what were you doing on the day of Pearl Harbour?
I'll take arrogance and the inevitable hubris over self-doubt and lack of confidence.
"Everyone has a plan, until they get punched in the face" - Mike Tyson
But tell me, what were you doing on the day of Pearl Harbour?
Well, It's all been declassified now so I can tell you without being required to kill you...I was running guns to the Brits since they only had some really obsolete stuff to drive off the Nazi hordes...While Winston and I were talking, in came some guy named Lovat...He had a cold that he hadn't been able to shake off since he got his feet wet backing into the sea at Dunkirk...I pointed out to him that if he had taken my advice at first and thrown away those sissy .38 revolvers and bought his men .45's and M1 Garands like I told him in the first place, the Krauts would never have spanked him...
Winnie agreed with me and told him the next time he saw him without a .45, Lovat would be walking picket duty in the public loos on Trafalgar Square...The rest is history...
But enough about me, junior...What did you do in the war?......Ben
"It must be mounted on a tripod!...It must be mounted on a tripod!" - Cmdr. Frederick Mohr
I fought my own war man, against... the man - yeah that's right musical freedom man - I stood up for Hair Metal when all around everyone was going grunge -
Dont talk to me about trauma man - it was brutal -
My grandfather was Montgomery's batman for a while - how cool is that!!! I served with him...
(that bit wasnt true - the monty bit was - the bit about me wasnt) -
Seriously though Ben - were you in Nam?
I'll take arrogance and the inevitable hubris over self-doubt and lack of confidence.
"Everyone has a plan, until they get punched in the face" - Mike Tyson
JonnyStead wrote:Seriously though Ben - were you in Nam?
No, I was stationed in Germany for most of my one-hitch career...(West Germany back then)...I volunteered for Vietnam service when they called for my specialty but I was not selected...My wing rotated stateside shortly thereafter and after one more tour in Germany I was separated...Ben
"It must be mounted on a tripod!...It must be mounted on a tripod!" - Cmdr. Frederick Mohr
No, I reckon they had plenty to choose from...It wasn't bad duty plus you got combat zone pay and it was tax-free...I would have gotten an R&R (probably Japan) and I might have had a day or so in Hawaii...I guess it wasn't meant to be...Ben
"It must be mounted on a tripod!...It must be mounted on a tripod!" - Cmdr. Frederick Mohr
It seems we all might have our combat and our demilitarized zones in our daily lives...At times the enemy is a master of deception and as, as a friend of mine commented, "they hide in plain sight"...Ben
"It must be mounted on a tripod!...It must be mounted on a tripod!" - Cmdr. Frederick Mohr
Thanks for the info, still not sure I'm holding out for a PS3 if I can just convince Mrs HaloBurn and baby HaloBurn (who I think I can bribe with a rusk and a rattle) we shall see what happens.
I do think the Wii looks like fun - but in a kiddy kind of way and I see that the other consols are getting third party controllers that mimic the Wii.
I aint no wide eyed rebel, but I aint no preachers son.
I just picked up Medroid Prime Corruption for the wii. It's an FPS that's been built from the ground up for the wii by nintendo itself. It's probably a bit of a milestone as the wii is now about a year or so old - if it doesn't get this game right it probably never will! I wanna go home and play it now, but I'm stuck at work!
Catfish has promised to buy me a PS3 for my birthday in March. I haven't seen any must have games for it yet - I expect the first one of thos will be Grand Theft Auto 4, but that doesn't come out until the spring. Looking forward to the blu ray movies though!