The following Dodgers have been smited by the JDK for their crimes against Jam:
All the girls! for picking on the JDK and damaging his already delicate self esteem!
The Basserd Who Nicked Copper's Stuff For the offense of nicking Copper's stuff. You are a tw*t, whoever you are and we all hope you get run over by a tram in Nottingham. Or Liverpool. Or whereever else they have trams!
Copper For the crime of playing with her Wii instead of her Jammie pals!
Nope. Not another Creationism/Evolution thread. Just a kinda thought experiment thing that came out of a conversation with Steveo.
I'm currently formulating a theory that suggests that natural human evolution has ended. It's a bit half baked at the moment but it goes something like this:
I wroteUntil very recently, the last 50 years or so, if you had any major defects in your makeup, chances are you'd peg it before getting the opportunity to breed. This would mean that most defects get bred out over a few generation leaving only the strongest, fittest and cleverest to further the species. That's how evolution works, right?
By introducing the NHS to the mix, we're desperately saving those kids with weak hearts or bad lungs or upside down kidneys or whatever - people who allow themselves to become ill though diet or lack of exercise are 'cured' through the wonders of modern medicine, meaning that, rather then just the fittest surviving, everyone survives and the weak genetics are passed on from generation to generation rather than being weeded out.
This is happening to the extent that it's becoming the norm in the UK to be 'weak', whether that's defined as overweight, unfit, genetically 'inferior due to a hole in the heart or a back to front pancreas or whatever.
Now Steveo added to this with:
Steveo wroteI had a friend called Jeff Harris who came up with a similar theory...which I call the 'The Jeff Harris Theory'
He said that Britain was becoming thicker as all the clever people delay breeding or have fewer children..whereas the simpletons bang out kids at the age of 17 and so on and so forth..meaning stupid people become the norm...
We used to have a militarised society, an Empire and wars to deal with imbalance now we have chaos..and a free for all with no obligations to do anything if you dont want to or feel like it..
Anyone have anything to add? Any obvious flaws in the the two theories. Is it a good thing or a bad thing? Is it contradictory to Flying Spagetti Monsterism?
Is this the case over the last 50 or so years though? I know that we're generally taller than our middle ages counterparts and they were generally taller than stone age dudes.
JonnyStead wrote:People continue to get taller - therefore evolution must still be taking place right?
Hmm... this article suggests that height differences are due to nutrition rather than evolution. If you eat properly as a kid, you're taller, if not you're shorter...
That would explain why we're mostly taller than our parents - our food in the 70s and 80s was probably an awful lot better then their post-war gruel with added depression. It's not passed on in the genes, so if your kids eat rubbish, then they'll be shorter than you! So I don't think it qualifies as evolution.
This article eventually gets round to backing it up and there's a bit more here, which also says that Americans are shorter then Europeans because of all the Big Macs they eat!
Aodan wrote:I saw Idiocracy. And I was afraid. Because even though it was satire... it was dangerously close to the truth.
All good satire is I shall definitely add this to my rental list when I get home!
Aodan wrote:I have nothing to add on the theories, however, I believe that we are still evolving a bit.
Heh. I liked the way you phrased that. Almost as if you were gonna follow it up with something like 'In fact I evolved a bit last week, when I had trouble carrying my shopping and pushing the sproglet's pram. I had to spontaneously evolve an extra arm!'
Slightly more seriously though, I think nature is trying to evolve us to cope with changes in our environment - take airbourne pollution which causes many people to suffer from various resiratory problems. In evolutionary theory, these people would die off over a few generations, leaving only ones who have strong or adapted respiratory tracts to contruibute to the gene pool. Instead, however, we just keep trying to alleviate their symptoms with drugs 'n stuff so the problem lives on indefinitely.
I'm not saying we're wrong to do this, by the way. I'm just saying.
Heh. I liked the way you phrased that. Almost as if you were gonna follow it up with something like 'In fact I evolved a bit last week, when I had trouble carrying my shopping and pushing the sproglet's pram. I had to spontaneously evolve an extra arm!'
If they managed some sort of genetic engineering to make that possible, I do believe I would sign up for it.
ddvmor wrote:Hmm... this article suggests that height differences are due to nutrition rather than evolution. If you eat properly as a kid, you're taller, if not you're shorter...
That would explain why we're mostly taller than our parents - our food in the 70s and 80s was probably an awful lot better then their post-war gruel with added depression. It's not passed on in the genes, so if your kids eat rubbish, then they'll be shorter than you! So I don't think it qualifies as evolution.
This article eventually gets round to backing it up and there's a bit more here, which also says that Americans are shorter then Europeans because of all the Big Macs they eat!
I'm sure there is plenty of 'science' behind it but I dont buy it. I ate exactly the same as my brother growing up but he's taller. My friend down the road ate 'crap' compared to us but he's taller than me.
It is also commonly accepted that 'baby boomers' had better diets than us today because they ate mostly natural ingrediants rather than processed foods - the scientists cant have it both ways - either we eat better (thats why we're taller) or not (americans eat mostly bad foods) - scientists dont know nuffink! lol
I'll take arrogance and the inevitable hubris over self-doubt and lack of confidence.
"Everyone has a plan, until they get punched in the face" - Mike Tyson
JonnyStead wrote: I'm sure there is plenty of 'science' behind it but I dont buy it. I ate exactly the same as my brother growing up but he's taller. My friend down the road ate 'crap' compared to us but he's taller than me.
It is also commonly accepted that 'baby boomers' had better diets than us today because they ate mostly natural ingrediants rather than processed foods - the scientists cant have it both ways - either we eat better (thats why we're taller) or not (americans eat mostly bad foods) - scientists dont know nuffink! lol
Interesting and valid points, all but when presented with documented and anecdotal evidence, I am naturally inclined to lean toward the documented stuff.
Dude it is documented - I wrote it down - look up above your post - you'll see my documented report - exactly how do you think that differs from other science?
How many times have scientists turned round and said "Look we've cloned a car" or some such nonsense just for other scientists to turn round and say "We dispute their conclusions" science is all just interpretation based on what we think we know right now - its fluid.
I'll take arrogance and the inevitable hubris over self-doubt and lack of confidence.
"Everyone has a plan, until they get punched in the face" - Mike Tyson
Okay, dude. You're right. It qualifies as documented evidence because you typed it into a forum. It's not an anecdotal observation at all. You're right. I'm wrong. Hooray. Now we can all go home for tea.
Actually a few years ago me and a mate came up with a sit-com idea for a trucking across america comedy with Kenny Baker called Breaker-baker...starring kenny would involve lots of smokey and the bandit antics..
...when I became sober and thought about it, it would have been offensive to a lot of people...a bit like smokey and the bandit (which is a great movie).
Smokey and the Bandit 2 was a classic!!!! My favorite Burt Reynolds adventure by far...Delivering an Elephant across country being persued by Jackie Gleason and his idiotic son...its a winning comedy formula.
As I recall Bandit 3 had the 'Snowman' behind the wheel of the car instead of the truck and his lovable dog Fred wasn't in it at was pure tripe of the highest order..