The following Dodgers have been smited by the JDK for their crimes against Jam:
All the girls! for picking on the JDK and damaging his already delicate self esteem!
The Basserd Who Nicked Copper's Stuff For the offense of nicking Copper's stuff. You are a tw*t, whoever you are and we all hope you get run over by a tram in Nottingham. Or Liverpool. Or whereever else they have trams!
Copper For the crime of playing with her Wii instead of her Jammie pals!
A primary school has been accused of spoiling Christmas for pupils after a lesson telling them that Santa Claus does not exist.
Children as young as nine were told that only 'small children believe in Father Christmas'.
And yesterday their parents criticised teachers for taking the 'magic' out of the festive period...
...Now Ladysmith Junior School in Exeter, Devon, is accused of taking a decision that should have been made by the parents themselves.
One father-of-two, who asked not to be named, said: "My wife and I make a special effort to keep the belief in Santa in our daughter's mind as we believe it adds to the magic of Christmas for her and her four-year-old brother.
...Last week a primary school teacher was sacked for telling her young class that Santa does not exist.
The supply teacher apparently decided the pupils - some as young as nine - were too old to believe in Father Christmas.
The teacher, who has not been named, is believed to have told the class at Boldmere Junior School, in Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands: "All of you are old enough to know there is no Father Christmas or fairies.
If you ask your parents to tell you they will say there is no such thing...
...At yet another school, pupils went home in tears after being told Father Christmas does not exist by a teacher who was telling a class of nine-year-olds how Christmas is celebrated across the world.
Angry parents at Calcot Junior School in Berkshire said the teacher had 'ruined' Christmas for their children.
Mel Barefield, whose son was in the lesson, said: 'The teacher had said to them that Father Christmas wasn't real, Rudolph was a cartoon character and that Christmas trees come from Germany.'
A governor said: 'It's not just Father Christmas that's the problem. We also have issues with things like the Tooth Fairy...
I dunno about you lot, but I'm pretty sure I had Father christmas figured out by the time I was nine. I imagine all those kids were actually crying because of the hurt and betrayal that their parents had landed on them by lying to them for all those years!
I dunno.. I think I'd be pretty peeved too. If for no other reason than I really want my son to have magic in his life. And its not fair for someone to take that from him. I don't remember when I stopped believing, but it wasn't traumatic for me at all. I didn't think that my parents lied to me about it or anything. If anything I have nothing but good memories about when I did believe.
I dunno.. why take magic away from children..the world has enough cynics.
Dudes, these teachers are going to get screwed by Santa this Christmas.
i think it's one of those things that we should just deal with - like you aodan, i was far from traumatized when i found out about the non-existence thing and also - i think it really did add magic, so what's the harm
(also my parents never actually lied about it - they did one of those 'avoided just saying anything about it and we presumed it was santa that brought those presents' things haha )