The following Dodgers have been smited by the JDK for their crimes against Jam:
All the girls! for picking on the JDK and damaging his already delicate self esteem!
The Basserd Who Nicked Copper's Stuff For the offense of nicking Copper's stuff. You are a tw*t, whoever you are and we all hope you get run over by a tram in Nottingham. Or Liverpool. Or whereever else they have trams!
Copper For the crime of playing with her Wii instead of her Jammie pals!
Anyone any good at Venn diagrams? Just been asked if there's anything (hmm, that should probably read "anything free"!) out there that will generate Venn diagrams with up to 5 possible sets????? 'Tis beyond me!
it seems that would have done it for you, cause everything i found pointed to it, but some lazy sod has let the domain name expire and google doesn't have anything cached! boo
well that's just one person's opinion.. and i tend to disagree..
if a the same question gets answered on different forums then there's more chance that the next time someone comes along needing the same answer they might find it - the more we share the better the internet will be
i agree with the whole thing of maybe going back and giving links to the answer you've found, but ask ask ask is my moto :)
Or elsewhere, unannounced cross-posting is irresponsible and disrespectful. There have numerous times that I have completely wasted my time because of this... At one point, I was going to create a custom title for cross-posters at, but it got shot down...
Still, I'll verbally flog anyone I catch doing this.
Well I can't post my Tek-tips UK link here, 'cos you'll all whinge that you can't see it without signing up (which really shouldn't be the case). May I apologise to Bekibutton, who I believe is the only other person signed up to all three places. However, I have been keeping that & my UA thread (which everyone here seems to be looking at) up to date on what I've been doing. Personally I agree with Katie anyhow, and indeed I have had people thanking me for (suitably credited) solutions which I have posted back from just such a scenario.
I was holding back on that one... I absolutely cannot stand other people completely wasting my time... People who consistently waste my time, are obviously much worse...
I'd much rather come here and crack a wisenheimer, or something, than spend minute-1 answering a question that was answered 4 days ago...
Crossposting doesn't count here cos it one of the rules. Cross-posting and thread hijacking are fine old JDBB traditions and are positively encouraged, oh yes. Elsewhere, is a different matter and it's entirely up to the guys who run the forums whether it's ok! (Personally, I think it's fine to cross-post unless it's a Tuesday. Or a Thursday. Something about days beginning with T's. Come to think about it, most of my days begin with tea. Sometimes two.
Mmmmm... tea...)
Anyway, children. Please refrain from any bloodshed, please! It's so hard to get the stains out of the carpet!
The King has spoken. Put your hand up if you listened!
I'm not very concerned about it in this instance... But there have been cases where I spent a fair amount of time trying to help someone with something complicated, only to find that someone else posted the same answer, somewhere else, before I even started to attempt the OP!! That's a call to arms, right there!
OK, so before I say anything else I hereby solemnly declare I shall make no undeclared cross-posts on Mr Excel!
The way I post tends to depend on the problem. In this case it was a "Does anybody know of...?" type of a question, which I'm expecting to lead to short, knowledge based, replies, such as "I use xxx" or "I looked for something similar a while back & didn't find anything out there" (you may berate me if that didn't come across properly in my post). Therefore I don't see posting across boards as a problem, and on that one we shall have to agree to differ. I guess it's not something I've really thought about before 'cos I tend to use different boards for different problems. I guess the only other times I'd cross-post would be a) if no-one on my chosen bored had been able to help me after a couple of days or b) if I had a total panic on & was clutching any straw I could get. I see your point however & shall try to remember to always put in links in the future!
PS I've always stated if I've cross-posted on different forums on the same board (occasionally a problem does truly belong in both) & I do update different posts with any solutions - I'm not all bad!
PPS Surely the point of friends (virtual or otherwise) is to be able to have a good fight without falling out, I have no intention of staining the carpet, but I do like a good constructive argument!
In this case it was a "Does anybody know of...?" type of a question, which I'm expecting to lead to short, knowledge based, replies, such as "I use xxx" or "I looked for something similar a while back & didn't find anything out there" (you may berate me if that didn't come across properly in my post).
Well, to be fair, if one is just looking for a high-level anecdotal response, then I might agree, just opinion gathering... Although, I still might wonder if those opinions might be refined if they were consolidated, one way or another, for a common review? And shame on me for spending too long working up a detailed response, I guess...
One of the reasons I tend to post detailed, tested technical replies is that I typically field technical situation-specific questions... And when you explain something at a high-level, often times your advice is either ignored or bastardized...
Not way off, I did say use ADO and GetRows(). But that's not really that close to how I would do that, as you can see by my detailed response that follows... And I don't really want other people to see the way he did that and think, 'that's how Nate would do that?'
Because it's not... Helping others, quite a quandary...
Seriously though, unless it's something that I'm trying to get my head round anyway (eg posted much code on manipulating Outlook for Access quite a while back), then there's no way I'm going to put that much work into someone else's problem if they don't appear to be putting the effort in themselves, I would view it differently if they were obviously working at it and trying to learn. That's not a criticism of you, I admire you for putting that much into it, just not something I would do. I tend to prefer the type of responses you started posting in that thread in answer to my own queries too, I learn far more if I'm just given pointers.
(To be honest I'm not doing much in the way of new technical stuff at the moment, so I'm not posting on technical boards at all really, this is a little bit historical/theoretical for me at the mo)