The following Dodgers have been smited by the JDK for their crimes against Jam:
All the girls! for picking on the JDK and damaging his already delicate self esteem!
The Basserd Who Nicked Copper's Stuff For the offense of nicking Copper's stuff. You are a tw*t, whoever you are and we all hope you get run over by a tram in Nottingham. Or Liverpool. Or whereever else they have trams!
Copper For the crime of playing with her Wii instead of her Jammie pals!
Can someone explain to me why stubbing your toe is so unreasonably painful?
Also... can comeone explain to me exactly how I managed to stub the middle toe of my right foot? How is that even possible? I can understand stubbing my big toe, cos its so... big (my big toes are quite impressive specimens, apparently. A girl told me that!) and it sticks out in front of all the others. But in order to stub my middle toe with any force, my foot would have had to be on a very strange angle.
Needless to say, I stubbed it so hard that it bled. I'm somewhat embarrassed to admit that I didn't even stub it on something impressive like a step or a table leg or an upright grand piano. I stubbed it on the floor. That big flat thing.
i found this interesting information on the bbc website:
Really, there are four steps to protect yourself from stubbing your toe. They are listed in the order of how desperate an action is needed. Stop Being Stupid!
Really folks, why are you being so dumb as to not look where you're going ! Pay more attention to your surroundings, it will save the pain. Wear Shoes
The easiest way to stop yourself the toe stub is to wear shoes that protect your toes. Though it's only a thin layer of rubber and cloth, or leather, it can end your suffering. Really Stop Being Stupid!
Just be really safe. Always watch your step. Is that too much to ask? Move to the Desert
If you have failed to protect yourself from your own stupidity move to the desert. There you won't have to worry about stubbing your toe, because there is nothing you could possibly stub your toe on.
You'd still have to wear shoes or your feet would burn - so thats just silly...
You do fall down the stairs alot though JDK - is it linked to that? You do tend to get pulled about by the Moon's gravitational field influencing that gigantic rear end that you lug around behind you like so much ballast...
I'll take arrogance and the inevitable hubris over self-doubt and lack of confidence.
"Everyone has a plan, until they get punched in the face" - Mike Tyson
I have a lovely herbal remedy for a good toe-stubbing:
First, strap a large, fresh cod to the offending foot, ensuring that the end with the lifelessly staring eye is pointed at the injured toe. If cod is unavailable, a nice herring will do, as long as you add sprinkle some gouda cheese on top. Next, grab a bucket and head to the nearest major public area (hint: a pub works best). Jam the bucket on your head and hop about blindly yelling, "Someone call me a bikini waxer, I'm headed to the beach!" in your best John Wayne imitation until at least four strangers are laughing out loud. You know it's working when you feel a sensation of utter humiliation. For best results, continue until arrested.
I have stubbed my middle toe as well. Granted, I did it taking a turn around a corner too quick in the dark and actually slammed my foot into the corner of the wall. It was one of those wall bits that jut out to make a little alcove for something... in this case.. my piano.. but anyway.. that hurt like a biatch....I don't know if I actually broke my toe, or if it was just a wicked bone bruise, but that hurt for like a straight month.
Indeed:6 whitebait to a sprat3 sprats in a mackerel19 mackerel to a trout2 trout in a salmonand 4.879 salmon to a pike. That's youse hedyoukayshun for the day
Moving to the desert may be out of the question. You would have to deal with snakes and not to mention stubbing your toe on a nice, big, fat, hairy cactus. If you watch your step every moment you could end up banging your head on something. Stubbing your toes happens. It's probably so painful because your feet go through enough torture during the days and they can't take anymore, I mean really... wouldn't you be mad?
jenthered wrote: Moving to the desert may be out of the question. You would have to deal with snakes and not to mention stubbing your toe on a nice, big, fat, hairy cactus.
Hmm. Interesting notion, although as everyone knows, you don't get cacti in the desert. Their natural habitat is generally accepted to be the bathroom window sill - and I don't often go walking there.
Maybe only now and again... when the fancy takes me.
I have to ask... Jen the Red... what, exactly? Nose? Cheeseboard? Setter?
By the way, everybody, athough I have made a full recovery from my toe-stubbing incident, I have now acquired a sore nipple.
Sometimes it's quite painful. Neck pain is almost unbearable. However, it's really built up my muscle strength and it's always so easy to get a good backscratching! The bad part is paying admission for two everywhere I go. You have no idea how hard is it to convince people that we are really one.
Hehehe I can't actually take credit for that. My friend made that picture for me shortly after I showed her the picture. Because she's kind of weird That picture is in Sean's baby book though
Sometimes it's quite painful. Neck pain is almost unbearable. However, it's really built up my muscle strength and it's always so easy to get a good backscratching!
Hmm. Another disturbing image to add to the collection in my mind. Thanks for that! Out of interest, is your cojoined viking a boy or a girl? And mor importantly is he/she also a redhead? I only ask, cos if he/she isn't a readhead, then there's gonna be a nasty clash. On the other hand, if it's a he and a redhead, then you have a whole other ginger beard problem to worry about!
Aodan wrote:
Hehehe I can't actually take credit for that. My friend made that picture for me shortly after I showed her the picture. Because she's kind of weird That picture is in Sean's baby book though
It is a cool picture. And utterly convincing. Was the fork a problem?
Hmm. Another disturbing image to add to the collection in my mind. Thanks for that! Out of interest, is your cojoined viking a boy or a girl? And mor importantly is he/she also a redhead?
Well, the viking is a she. No worries about the hair clashing because she is bald. Of course she does enjoy wearing a hot pink feather wig at times with her viking helmet. The feathers reak havock on my allergies. I hate it when she does that.
Moving to the desert may be out of the question. You would have to deal with snakes and not to mention stubbing your toe on a nice, big, fat, hairy cactus.
I was just in the desert last March, and I am pleased to report that I did not, in fact, stub any of my toes.
However, I did run into a cactus... I wish it was hairy, but instead it was rather prickly!! Ouch!