The following Dodgers have been smited by the JDK for their crimes against Jam:
All the girls! for picking on the JDK and damaging his already delicate self esteem!
The Basserd Who Nicked Copper's Stuff For the offense of nicking Copper's stuff. You are a tw*t, whoever you are and we all hope you get run over by a tram in Nottingham. Or Liverpool. Or whereever else they have trams!
Copper For the crime of playing with her Wii instead of her Jammie pals!
Ok. Weekends notwithstanding, how do you rate each of the days of the week and why?
Here's how I rate em:
Monday: 3. Amazingly, not the worst day of the week at all. I'm usually well rested (well... kinda - perhaps relaxed is a better word), reasonably enthusiastic and generally cheerful.
Tuesday: 2. Into the swing of things. Over the initial shock of Monday morning. Still a fair amount of energy to go around.
Wednesday: 5. Here's the real low point. I've had 2 says of sh*t and I still have 2 to go. I want to die!
Thursday: 4. I'm just knackered, disillusioned and generally p*ssed off by Thursday.
Friday: 1, obviously. It's the last day of the week and leads nicely into the weekend. There's always less people in the office to pester me and all the meeting rooms are free. No contest! Don't get much work done, though and I'm kinda sleeeeepy...
monday - 2 start work with the idea that something vaguely good might happen this week... also, this is the day you spend elling your mates what you did at the weekend and that takes the whole day, so no actual work worries!
tuesday - 3 monday over and done with, time to get on with some work
wednesday - 5 absolutely hate the whole middle-of-the-week thing, and the telly is rubbish too!
thursday - 3 getting better, friday tomorrow
friday - 1 play 5 a side at lunchtime, so need to take the whole morning arranging the teams then the whole afternoon recovering, then off for a pint at 4, YAY!
Actaully I find sundays to be generally crappy as I'm bemoaning the lack of saturday between me and next week. Gah.
Yep, underachieve on Sunday and Monday is all right... Treat Sunday like a weekend day and evening off to be enjoyed, and Monday's no good. With American football being played on Sunday, for the most part, I have no choice but to go with the latter...
ddvmor wrote: Monday: 3. Amazingly, not the worst day of the week at all. I'm usually well rested (well... kinda - perhaps relaxed is a better word), reasonably enthusiastic and generally cheerful. Tuesday: 2. Into the swing of things. Over the initial shock of Monday morning. Still a fair amount of energy to go around.
er.. why are you having to get over the shock of a day that was actually not bad at all?