The following Dodgers have been smited by the JDK for their crimes against Jam:
All the girls! for picking on the JDK and damaging his already delicate self esteem!
The Basserd Who Nicked Copper's Stuff For the offense of nicking Copper's stuff. You are a tw*t, whoever you are and we all hope you get run over by a tram in Nottingham. Or Liverpool. Or whereever else they have trams!
Copper For the crime of playing with her Wii instead of her Jammie pals!
First rule of bachelor living: wash up when no more plates left
so, in applying that rule it looks like you've got about 4 more days worth of eating before you'll have used all the plates, knives and forks, so no need to worry about cleaning up yet
It's true, Santa. I have 6 more plates in the cupboard and more cutlery than you can shake a stick at (and I have plenty of sticks, too). So I don't need to wash up 'til the weekend. I think it's time for a poll. Should Darren clean his kitchen tonight?
As for the haagen dasz (daas?) tubs... they're just small enough to be disappointing.
In addition, if you eat 'dry' type foods (cheese and biscuits, pizza) you will find that plates can be recycled quite effectively.
Also it should be noted that many supermarket 'ready prepared' meals come with an integral plate, removing the need for the purchasor to provide one of their own when cooked. I would not hesitate to recommend a Waitrose Nasi Goreng (comes with free plate!!!) as being a particularly tasty example of its type.
I cant believe I got dragged into this but I would like to see snapshots of everyone's kitchens - it will help us all get to know each other better - I shall post mine!
I'll take arrogance and the inevitable hubris over self-doubt and lack of confidence.
"Everyone has a plan, until they get punched in the face" - Mike Tyson
quote: Originally posted by: JonnyStead "I cant believe I got dragged into this but I would like to see snapshots of everyone's kitchens - it will help us all get to know each other better - I shall post mine!"
Ah yes. No tidying up now. Lets see it in it's natural state (and yes, we know you Americans insist on living in showhome-like houses. A bit of dust never hurt anyone! Besides... it's so much hard work cleaning our castles on account of their being so big. Yes that's right. All English people have castles (this is because we live in Europe... where the history is!). We long for a bungalow.
(did i overuse the izzardisms there? i hope not. maybe i should introduce a series of topical smileys... izzard, star wars, python, blackadder...)
quote: Originally posted by: Short Santa "In addition, if you eat 'dry' type foods (cheese and biscuits, pizza) you will find that plates can be recycled quite effectively. Also it should be noted that many supermarket 'ready prepared' meals come with an integral plate, removing the need for the purchasor to provide one of their own when cooked. I would not hesitate to recommend a Waitrose Nasi Goreng (comes with free plate!!!) as being a particularly tasty example of its type."
An excellent point, my friend. An excellent point well made. So you are advocating my subsisting on chocolate hob nobs and cheddar, then? I'm comfortable with that.
See, Stead. I told you it was ok. Santa says so, so it must be true!
choccy hob nobs and cheddar if you will, but i suppose I was probably considering a biscuit more closely associated with the consumption of cheese - a jacob's cream cracker, or ryvita perhaps?
I can tell you're trying to bring this conversation round to jammie dodgers - and i'm not having any of it - cheese only gos with savoury biscuits (excepting at a push a plain digestive, but even thats a bit weird) anything else is madness, I tell you
My German housemate keeps the kitchen spotless - I would take a picture, but fear of breaking the lens with the shine.
As for biccies and cheese - yum. Anyone ever tried stilton and honey? I know it goes against the dry plate thing you boys are trying to perfect, but it is taaaaaasty.
The key phrase was 'can't be arsed', dude. Although it's a fair point considering I could be arsed to take the photo, download it to the pc, shrink it to a reasonable size, upload it to photobucket and post it here. Which probably took longer than the washing up.
Nice to see that the poll has evened up, though. A nice even spread between psychotically clean and slobbishness on the bored board there!
ddvmor wrote: All English people have castles (this is because we live in Europe... where the history is!). We long for a bungalow. (did i overuse the izzardisms there? i hope not. maybe i should introduce a series of topical smileys... izzard, star wars, python, blackadder...)
I hearted you before - but you invoked my dear Eddie - so now you are even more fantabulous.
Lazy? Hah. I think you're all being unfairly harsh to me.
I had just spent all day doing DIY in someone else's house. We then returned to my house where we engaged in our workout, after which I prepared a meal, which we got to eat at about 9.30 whilst watching some bloody awful Robin Williams movie. When I finally got rid of the Stead it was 11 o'clock and I really wanted to sleep and I had to be up early in the morning.
Given the same set of circumstances, would you want to be doing the washing up? Would you?
Anyways, I put higher priority on dreding the moat. People want to see nice clean water when they cross my drawbridge.
ddvmor wrote: Anyways, I put higher priority on dreding the moat. People want to see nice clean water when they cross my drawbridge.
No no no... the water in the moat should be murky and dark and disgusting and hint of evil things living in it. Otherwise what would the purpose be? If it looks like a swimming pool, everyone's just going to go swimming and it serves no purpose. Unless the purpose was to have people swimming in it. If that's the case.. then do carry on.
Well... I was going for a crystal clear effect with shiny pebbles on the bottom. That way the nasty evil things swimming around in it will be plain to see.